For the past 10 years, Eco-Tech Ceram has been committed to a vital mission: decarbonizing industry. We are dedicated to developing innovative solutions to reduce carbon emissions, promote energy efficiency and shape a future where sustainability and profitability go hand in hand.

And the results are in!

528,000 kg CO2 saved since 2019. From our construction sites in 2023 and 2024, more than 2,700 tonnes of CO2 will be avoided.

2,640,000 kWh saved since 2019

132,000 saved since 2019 with gas prices at €50/MWh

Dozens of concrete achievements

Proto 900, the first industrial pilot capable of reaching 900° C, in operation, 2018

Tégulys, tile and brick manufacturer in Haute Corrèze, first industrial site to use the Eco-Stock® solution, 2019

Prototype in operation atArcelorMittal ‘s industrial site in Dunkirk for drying agglomeration sludge, 2022

Commissioning of an Eco-Stock® coupled with a power-to-heat system at the Villeroy & Boch ceramics factory, 2023

Commissioning of a heat exchanger at the Villeroy & Boch site to recover waste heat, 2023

Design and installation of a turnkey prototype for the RAPSODEE CNRS and IMT Albi laboratory, 2023

Commissioning of a heat exchanger on the ThyssenKrupp metallurgy site to recover waste heat, 2024

Design and installation of a turnkey prototype for the LTEN CNRS and Polytech Nantes laboratory, 2024

Commissioning of 2 Eco-Stocks® on the industrial site of Wienerberger, world leader in bricks, to recover waste heat, 2024

Design and installation of a turnkey prototype for electricity generation day and night, without batteries

Discover all our achievements

Dozens of awards and labels

Winner of the 3 phases of the Concours Mondial de l’Innovation for the development of eco-designed thermal storage units to decarbonize industries, 2014, 2017, 2020

Winner of theEuropean SME Instrument H2020 competition and the European Innovation Fund with MITIGAT, 2019, 2024

Certified by the Solar Impulse Foundation (the Eco-Stock® is one of 1,000 efficient solutions worldwide), Green Tech Verte label, Coq Vert label, 2018, 2019, 2021

EDF Pulse Prize, 2015

ArcelorMittal Innovator Award, 2016

ADEME winner of the IPME competition and the Entreprises et Environnement Pollutec prize, 2018, 2019

Clean Tech Open France Award , 2021

National winner of the Initiative Remarquable award , 2022

Je décarbone” Jury’s Favourite Award for New Energy Systems, Comité Stratégique de Filière, 2022

EY award for best scale-up, 2023

Discover all our partners

10 expert assessments

Project management




Mechanical engineering

Industrial design



LCA (Life Cycle Assessment)


Would you like to benefit from our expertise?

10 steps to efficient decarbonization

Defining the decarbonization objective


View measurement results

Interpreting measurement results

Setting up an action plan

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

Recovering lost energy

Replacing lost energy

Save money, energy and CO2 emissions

Make an appointment with one of our experts

Join us in celebrating 10 years of decarbonization

Join us on April 25, 2024