“Since its creation, Eco-Tech Ceram has always been part of a new eco-responsible business model, reconciling the economic challenges facing manufacturers with environmental issues in the best possible way. There’s a lot of talk about the energy transition, but at ETC, we’re already implementing it in a concrete, sustainable way. This new model is profitable, it generates profits and it’s good for the environment.
Antoine Meffre, founder and CEO of Eco-Tech Ceram,
PhD in Energy and Process Engineering
Eco-Tech Ceram is made up of a team of men and women doctors, engineers and technicians trained in the best higher education and research structures, specializing in energy, heat, materials, energy storage, process engineering and finance, all passionate about energy efficiency.
They all share the same values of sustainability, pragmatism and commitment to meet the challenge of energy and climate transition. They want to show that concrete and sustainable solutions exist for the industry and prove that energy efficiency can be improved while reducing CO2 emissions and saving money.
The Scientific Committee

Eco-Tech Ceram is part of an important scientific network. The founder and members of the management team come from laboratories recognized internationally for their scientific excellence. The Scientific Committee offers the Eco-Tech Ceram team, as well as its partners, direct and privileged contact with a panel of expert researchers in various fields. Eco-Tech Ceram thus benefits at all times from the latest advances in research which, itself, is enriched by a better appropriation of the technological locks to be overcome.