The SNBC requires industry to reduce its CO2 emissions by 81% by 2050. It’s a question of climate urgency!

As every tenth of a degree counts, we need to put in place now the effective, mature solutions that will enable us to achieve concrete, lasting reductions in the industry’s carbon footprint.

June 18, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Program :

In this webinar, GRDF offers an overview of the solutions available, with contributions from players committed to the decarbonization of industry.

This webinar will present an overview of solutions immediately available to decarbonize industry, including:

  • Presentation of gas solutions for decarbonization: presentation of the energy management approach, mature solutions, associated subsidies and their decarbonization potential.
  • Words from the experts: presentation of case studies on the design and implementation of waste heat recovery solutions.
  • Q&A session: throughout the webinar, you’ll be able to interact with the speakers, who will endeavor to answer as many questions as possible live.


  • Vincent Lorin, business developer Eco-Tech Ceram
  • Frédéric Thévenod, Director of Business Development at Hevatech
  • Hadrien Marciano, Director of Operations at Coretec
  • Florian Jacquemart, Head of Energy Efficiency at GRDF


Published On: 14 June 2024Categories: News
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