0 MWh
saved since 2019, with an emission factor of 0.216 (source: ADEME).
Based on field measurements
0 tonnes
CO2 avoided by mid-2024 since 2019.
By the end of 2024, this will have risen to 2357 tonnes.
saved since 2019 with gas prices at €50/MWh

Our commitment:

Propose sustainable, cost-effective and financed solutions for recovering industrial waste heat.

For the past 10 years, we have been assisting manufacturers in their decarbonization process from A to Z.

Save and decarbonize!

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Four de la métallurgie : un tiers de l'énergie consommée est perdue et de valoriser ces chaleurs perdues industrielles

Industrial thermics

50% of the energy is consumed in the form of heat. Energy accounts for up to 20% of production costs. We urgently need to optimize this energy consumption and make the most of this industrial waste heat.

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Energy efficiency

As energy efficiency specialists, we can help you turn your losses into profits, without any investment.

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Eco-Stock à Tegulys : il est urgent d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique des outils de production afin de réduire les émissions de CO2 et les factures énergétiques
L'Eco-Stock dans l'usine de Villeroy & Boch de Valence d'Agen

Energy storage

Using the best available techniques, Eco-Tech Ceram has developed the Eco-Stock ®, a sustainable, cost-effective solution for recovering high-temperature industrial waste heat up to 1000°C.

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Renewable and low-carbon energies

At Eco-Tech Ceram, we anticipate the development of power to heat to power, which will alleviate the problem of the intermittent nature of renewable energies.

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On peut coupler le système de stockage des chaleurs perdues industrielles, l'Eco-Stock®, avec des énergies renouvelables
L'intelligence artificielle permet d'optimiser la valorisation des chaleurs fatales industrielles


At Eco-Tech Ceram, we’re in the midst of developing cutting-edge digital tools that can improve savings by up to 100%, based on a fixed design.

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Financing engineering

We can identify the various financing options available to you, so that ETC Invest can help you make the transition to energy 100% financed and “de-risked”.

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Ingénierie de financement

“Economic growth will only come from solutions that save energy and protect the environment. It is possible today to create a bridge between ecology and economy.”

– Bertrand Piccard, President of the Solar Impulse Foundation

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Bertrand Piccard, président de la Fondation Solar Impulse

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