As a player in industry decarbonization projects within the New Energy Systems, Comité Stratégique de Filière, Eco-Tech Ceram is delighted to be involved in the Je Décarbone initiative. Built in close collaboration with the French government, Je Décarbone has a dual objective: to decarbonize French industry through decarbonization solutions with a strong local content.

We were present at the second regional meeting on June 6, 2023 in Lille. It was devoted to tools for decarbonizing industry and feedback from manufacturers who have reduced their energy bills, made energy savings and decarbonized their processes.

The event was co-organized by the Hauts-de-France CCI, the Hauts-de-France Region and Pôlénergie.

This initiative is led by the New Energy Systems Strategic Committee, in partnership with theALLICE Alliance and CEA, and with the support ofADEME.


Published On: 9 June 2023Categories: News
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