A huge thank you to theEcole Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge – ESFF for welcoming us on the occasion of its 100th anniversary! An unforgettable event that celebrated a century of excellence in training expert metallurgical engineers for the metal processing industries, in particular foundry and forge.

Special thanks to Mourad Toumi, President of theAssociation des Anciens Elèves de l’Ecole Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge – ESFF, for organizing this wonderful day!

The day was a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with engineering students and metalworking companies. Discussions focused on crucial topics such as energy management and decarbonization of the sector, highlighting solutions and innovations that are already shaping the future of forging and casting.

Many thanks also to Franck Renda of EUROTECH-RENDA SAS for putting us in touch and for his invaluable support!

Together, we continue to invent the future of the metal industry!

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Published On: 3 July 2024Categories: News
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