We are delighted to announce that today we are distributing Climate Dividends to our shareholders for the second year running.

Our actions in industry will save a further 209 tCO2 in 2023! The calculation is based on a methodology that complies with the Climate Dividends protocol and has been validated and verified by Goodwill-management on the basis of actual physical field measurements at Tegulys, Villeroy & Boch and Wienerberger France!

We will therefore issue 209 Climate Dividends in 2024 and distribute them to our shareholders. It’s concrete proof that they’re putting their money into a project that really makes a difference.

In 2023, the commissioning of several industrial decarbonization solutions enabled us to avoid 209 tCO2. For 2024, we’re aiming even higher, and hope to reach the threshold of 2,000 tCO2 avoided! The aim is to become the most impactful company in the world, particularly in terms of performance per employee, in other words: to have the best ratio of Climate Dividends volume to the number of employees in the company.

A list of other initiatives is available on the Climate Dividends register.

But what are Climate Dividends?

It’s a mirror of financial dividends for the climate. They are proof of economic value creation, proof of “climate value creation”.

  • This is an extra-financial indicator corresponding to the positive climatic contribution of a solution (measured by GHG emissions avoided/sequestered).
  • 1 tonne of CO2 avoided or sequestered = 1 Climate Dividend
  • Climate Dividends are then distributed to the company’s shareholders, in proportion to their shareholding (as proof of the impact of their portfolio).

Important information:

  • Climate Dividends are complementary to our carbon footprint assessment, and in no way serve to offset it. The emissions avoided by our activity will never erase the induced emissions. For us, however, it’s a way of making our positive contribution more visible, so that we have a complete picture of the impact of our activity.
  • Climate Dividends are non-financial information, which means that they are not a financial asset that can be sold or monetized.
Published On: 18 July 2024Categories: News
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