Project Description

Decarbonization: 65 tons of CO2 saved taking into account an emission rate of 0.0571 kgCO2/kWhe produced

Energy savings: 1135 MWh per year

Gain in productivity: Improvement of the entry temperature of products being cooked

Location: Côte D’Or (21) – Bourgogne Franche Comté – France

Sector: Metallurgy

Needs – customer requests:
The customer wanted to find a way to preheat his products before cooking by using the waste heat from his ovens near the hot chamber which maintains the temperature as it is.
The objective of this study was twofold, to replace the electrical consumption of this hot chamber as well as to improve its impact on the cooking process downstream via an increase in the targeted product maintenance temperature.

Project issues:
Analyze the available waste heat deposits and the energy requirement, taking into account the increase in the target temperature of the hot enclosure.
As a result of this characterization, Eco-Tech Ceram sought the most relevant solutions to satisfy energy needs as much as possible.
Each of the solutions was presented to the client via a complete report respecting Ademe ‘s specifications on the feasibility studies.

Eco-Tech Ceram achievements:

  • Comparative study of available deposits
  • Optimization of the high-temperature thermal storage solution(Eco-Stock®) with the aim of valorizing when the deposit and the need are not in adequacy.
  • Detailed PFD and 3D visuals of the solutions
  • Solution design
  • Energy and environmental balance
  • Costing of the solution and planning proposal
  • Analysis of the various possible financings

Description of the solution proposed by Eco-Tech Ceram:

Valorization of the fatal heat of fumes from mobile hearth furnace 2 for preheating products: substitution of preheating chambers operating with electric hot air guns by an exchanger and an Eco-Stock®.