Project Description

Decarbonization: 4,120 tonnes of CO2 saved, based on an emission rate of 0.241 kgCO2/kWh consumed and 0.0339 kgCO2/kWhe produced.

Energy savings: 41,300 MWh per year

Productivity gain : Study on the use of arc furnaces simultaneously, impossible as it is, for a 50% increase in production.

Location : Pas-de-Calais (62) – Hauts de France – France

Sector : Metallurgy

Needs – customer requests :

The customer wanted to find a way to optimize the waste heat output from electric arc furnaces. By modifying the cooling train of these ovens and extracting more calories, the customer can comply with the regulations on atmospheric emissions by using the two ovens simultaneously. Through this, the client wishes to increase its production by 50%.

The objective of this study was also to reduce the consumption of their electric arc furnaces by drying their products before charging. The excess energy available would then supply a need external to the site on the same industrial platform.

Project issues:

  • Analyze the waste heat deposits available at the level of the electric arc furnaces and the energy requirement at the dryer and outside the site.
  • As a result of this characterization, Eco-Tech Ceram sought the most relevant solutions to satisfy energy needs as much as possible.
  • Each of the solutions was presented to the client via a complete report respecting Ademe ‘s specifications on the feasibility studies.

Eco-Tech Ceram achievements:

Description of the solution proposed by Eco-Tech Ceram:

The chosen solution, visible below, incorporates two fume/air collectors with a unit power of 3.75 MW. These heat exchangers supply 3 pairs of Eco-Stock®. Each storage unit can store 2.2 MWh under steady-state conditions. When they are discharged, a need external to the site and dryers of recycled products are supplied.