For the past 10 years, Eco-Tech Ceram has been offering tailor-made, sustainable and cost-effective solutions to improve energy efficiency and recover waste heat from industry.


Tegulys, a tile and brick manufacturer in the Haute Corrèze region of France, needs heat to power its dryer and firing process. However, more than 50% of the heat consumed in the baking oven is lost. With theEco-Stock®it’s possible to capture and store waste heat from the baking oven, so that it can be used at the right time in the dryer and pre-bake chamber. Aware of the economic and environmental profitability of such a project, the Nouvelle Aquitaine region andADEME have subsidized part of the infrastructure. Our network of partners then enabled Tegulys to finance the rest of the infrastructure via a financial lease.

Read the technical data sheet“We are the first industrial site to welcome the Eco-stock® solution developed by Eco-Tech Ceram in 2019. The confidence and support of the Nouvelle Aquitaine region were decisive in validating the merits of this solution and adapting it to our needs. In the end, we’re doubly satisfied: the Eco-Stock® solution not only improves the energy efficiency of our firing process, but also increases our production capacity.”-Nicolas Ducrot, Tegulys CEO

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As part of their commitment to decarbonization, Wienerberger, a giant in industrial bricks and tiles, has decided to form a partnership with Eco-Tech Ceram. The Pontigny site (Yonne – Burgundy Franche Comté region) is equipped with a thermal accumulator, our Eco-Stock®to transform heat loss into sustainable solutions. Our thermal accumulator recovers the heat from their ovens to send it back to the dryers. The result is a reduction in energy consumption at their tile factory of over 480 tonnes of CO2/year, equivalent to more than 3.5 million km per year for a normal car. It was commissioned in early 2024.

Consult the data sheet With its Eco-Stock® solution, Eco-Tech Ceram will allow us to recover waste heat from the six Pontigny kilns and to use this waste heat in our dryers. Enabling Wienerberger to use 100% waste heat for drying its roof tiles, all the while eliminating 100% of natural gas consumption and achieving carbon-free drying..
– Robert Lacroix, Directeur du Développement Durable, Wienerberger France

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ArcelorMittal is one of the largest steel producers in the world and the Dunkirk site represents one of the largest production capacities in Western Europe. Wishing to play its part in the fight against climate change by reducing its CO2 emissions by 35% in Europe by 2030, the company is committed to numerous energy efficiency initiatives at its industrial sites in France. Our prototype has shown the profitability of our solution for the recovery of waste heat for the drying of agglomeration sludge. This means that ArcelorMittal does not need to use fossil fuels to dry its sludge, and no longer has to pay the extra cost of transporting wet sludge.

Read the data sheet“The work carried out with Eco-Tech Ceram enabled us to identify and prioritize several waste heat recovery solutions: for sludge drying, and for steam, hot water and electricity production. Eco-Tech Ceram also provides a network of third-party financiers and financing solutions. The first Eco-Stock® was commissioned in April 2022 at the Dunkirk site.”– Thierry Poirier, Energy Department Manager, ArcelorMittal France

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Villeroy & Boch

Villeroy & Boch has chosen to surround itself with committed players in order to bring about a real environmental and energy transformation of its production facilities at Valence d’Agen. The manufacturer then prepared a comprehensive multi-year decarbonization program. The technology we’ve implemented has significantly reduced gas consumption and CO2 emissions at the plant’s two biggest consumers. The company is aiming to save 8 GWh on its annual energy consumption, thus avoiding the emission of 1,400 tonnes of CO2 per year (global scope for the entire site).

Consult the technical data sheet“The plant will thus reduce its gas consumption by 42% compared with 2021. Without this saving, the site would be threatened by rising gas prices.”– Laurent Santarelli, Plant Manager, Valence d’Agen, Villeroy & Boch France

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H2020 SME Instrument

The main objective of this project is to demonstrate theEco-Stock®our solution for recovering waste heat by thermal storage, in a real-life environment on a European heavy industry production site. To this end, the Eco-Stock® is installed in real conditions on an industrial site: Villeroy & Boch in Valence d’Agen, the international ceramics giant. It is directly adapted to the specifications of the tunnel furnaces of the site. The Valence d’Agen plant has embarked on a genuine environmental and energy transformation of its production facilities. This solution solves one of the major challenges facing industry today: increasing energy efficiency while reducing CO2 emissions and saving money.

Consult the technical data sheet“We produce products in ceramics, a material that lasts over time thanks to traditional know-how recognized internationally for its manufacturing quality. We had to make our energy transition quickly, to make this noble material compatible with the ecological challenges of the future. Manufacturing in France, sustainably, in synergy with local players, skills, and resources will make Villeroy & Boch a model of Social and Environmental Responsibility! “– Laurent Santarelli, Plant Manager, Valence d’Agen, Villeroy & Boch France

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The MITIGAT project, financed by theEuropean Commission’s Innovation Fund Small Scale, aims to create a multi-energy platform for testing the following applications on an industrial scale:

  • Heat to Heat
  • Heat mobility
  • Power to Heat
  • Heat to Power
  • Power to Power

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Aubert & Duval

In 2018, Aubert & Duval, a giant in high-end metallurgy, established a decarbonization strategy. The goal? Reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 45% in 2030 (123,000 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions). After five years, they needed to find other levers and turned to Eco-Tech Ceram. The project? Hot fumes from the metallurgist’s furnaces will be directed to a heat exchanger. With it, hot air will be produced which will feed the burners. Thanks to this, the industrialist expects to erase between 20 and 25% of CO2 emissions from its gas furnaces. “We’ve already cut our emissions by 39%, but with the mitigation of the pandemic and the upheavals in the aeronautics industry, we’re expecting quite significant upturns in activity. To meet our decarbonization trajectory, we need to go much further! That’s why we called on Eco-Tech Ceram, a company specializing in energy efficiency.”– Frédéric Pidoux, Head of the Environment, Energy & Industrial Risks Department at Aubert & Duval France

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Réalisation d'un diagnostic énergétique par un ingénieur d'Eco-Tech Ceram en vue de la valorisation des chaleurs fatales dans une usine d'Aubert & Duval.

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